...with each new element in the art they practice, they learn something and its constant alteration forces them to stay within the relevance of their art. Martial arts is part of a lifestyle in which I participate in and through it I have learned that adaptation is best in terms of survival and learning new components to the art in which I practice. Prior to reading George Siemens' "Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age" and watching his YouTube video, "The Changing Nature of Knowledge" ,I had always heard a quote from someone close to me, "Humans are learning animals". Through martial arts I was aware of this and upon reading and watching the contributions to this by Siemens, I was intrigued.
Siemens stated that "Knowledge is growing exponentially" and that "Technology is altering (rewiring) our brains. The tools we use define and shape our thinking". In contrast to this, Vieira stated that at this point in time, "Knowledge is really about the distribution that occurs across an entire network" through Connectivism. Connecting with other individuals and staying relevant is what is now deemed important in the minds of learners. Technology now shapes the way that we learn and Vieira stated that prior to technology, it was thought that learning was "something that happens in the head of an individual". With both ideas in mind, it can be seen that with technology expanding and constantly changing within a short frame of time, learners must stay refreshed with the change in order to learn.
Adaptation is a trait that many people thrive in, because without it, the human race itself would have been extinct ages ago. As knowledge has moved into the digital age, certain essentials must be attained in this manner. I agree with Siemens that as learners we are being "rewired" in how we learn. As teachers, however, we do not have to rewire ourselves completely because it has not gotten to the point where teachers must completely rely on technology in order to teach. In terms of Vieira stating that people learn through networks, I believe this to be true. In certain classroom or learning environments, networks must be established, whether they be physical or digital, in order to create the appropriate plane for learners. Siemens stated that "Experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge." In order for that to be true, Vieira's theory must be considered, as experience comes with physical or digital networking. Without it, we as people would not properly adapt or change our method of thinking and learning. As the digital age moves forward and beyond, regardless of whether we want to or not, adapting will take place in order to have the necessary knowledge for basic survival.
While your analogy works well, I think you attributing some of the information erroneously.