Friday, March 22, 2013

Bookr! Digital Storytelling: Part 2

I found Bookr to be a very interesting and useful tool. Although it has some restrictions and not a wide variety of photos, regardless of the usage of tags, it still provides a way for students to express themselves using online tools that they are more familiar with. Learning objectives such as educating each other on certain topics that individual students would be familiar with. Sharing educational interests, for example, can be utilized through this tool. As some L2 classrooms have students from different cultural backgrounds, Bookr can be used as a way for students to tell stories of their families and cultures in order to expand the minds of their fellow students. I would use the story above to open the floor to the students to talk or create their own stories about their homes or where they have lived. In my personal experience, living in different environments bring about a change of mind in certain elements of everyday life and this may be applicable for students. With each student they can present stories of their homes and lifestyles as well as the change once they had to adjust to using English along with their L1. Bookr would be a useful starter tool and with limited space for writing, it would not give any pressure to students to write extensively.

If you haven't used Bookr already, try it out! It may be a little frustrating at times but the end result is quite satisfying in my opinion. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Your digital story and your ideas for using it sound great!
